Boo Boo Buddies

Boo Boo Buddies
Boo-Boo Buddies

Nicki, in her infinite wisdom, recommended that we get Liam a boo-boo bunny. Evidently Carol Anne gave her one when Bella was born and it proved very useful indeed. So, I figured that I’d help the Easter Bunny out. Turns out these little guys are as easy to make as they are cute.  For those not in the know…

If a boo boo has you feeling crummy,

stick an ice cube in my tummy.

Hold it to your boo boo tight,

Soon everything will be all right!

boo_boo_bunny_buttnef Each little guy took about 2 hours following these directions. They could have been completed in less time, but I chose to sew every overlap and make slightly more complicated bows than necessary.

The bunny was made using a fancy $3 white washcloth purchased at Wal-Mart. The ribbon is grosgrain that is folded in half, the tail is a pompom made with white cotton yarn, and the eyes and nose are embroidered with DMC floss.

crabby_chickieThe chick is the same type of washcloth, but yellow (obviously), with the same grosgrain ribbon treatment and embroidered eyes, and a crocheted cotton beak and feet.

Here are the instructions for the beak and feet using worsted weight orange cotton and an F hook.

Beak: ch4. Turn and sc, hdc, dc.

Feet –  make 2: ch6. Turn and 5 sc. Turn and 5sc. Turn and 5sc. Turn and ch3, sl1 in 3rd ch from end, ch3, sl1 in last sc.

Thank you Easter Bunny. Bock, bock!

6 thoughts on “Boo Boo Buddies

  1. It’s been a long time since I’ve made these, and had a request from a niece to make for her kids. Since she’s 27, I guess it’s been a while and was trying to remember the boo boo poem. The ‘nicey niecey’ mentioned it to her cousins and now I have 13 more to make, but out of washcloths so liked this chick one. Think I’ll get yellow cloths this time and the second generation can have chicks instead of bunnies for a change-up! Thanks for sharing! Now to go back to the drawing board to write my own boo boo poem that works for chicks too!

  2. Hi..I love the bunny and chick but wasn’t able to get the directions when I clicked on THESE DIRECTIONS>

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